Hi, I'm Jilan, a UI/UX designer based in Indonesia, shaping digital experiences with a creative touch

I blend the best of design and development to ensure end-to-end project excellence, dedicated to creating unique layouts, captivating interactions, and remarkable typography that elevate websites to new heights.
Jackal Kiosk
Self Service Ticketing Kiosk
Jackal Holidays is a comprehensive and well-known transportation service company in Indonesia. Jackal is facing the challenge of reducing employment costs by eliminating the need for cashier employees and streamlining their expenses.The proposed solution for Jackal's cost-saving challenge involves the introduction of user-friendly self-servicing kiosks. These kiosks will empower customers to independently purchase tickets, access information, and complete transaction.
Quran Memorization App
Hafizh is an intuitive Quran memorization app designed to cater to users of all levels. Offering personalized study plans, flexible memorization options, and interactive recitation features, it fosters a seamless journey for beginners and advanced hafiz. With progress tracking, recording capabilities, and vibrant design, Hafizh aims to enhance the user's Quranic memorization experience,
Employee Task Management App
Task Management App
This app is crafted for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. It streamlines daily operations with features like task management, attendance tracking, and finance tools. The app's straightforward design ensures efficiency, while a dynamic performance ranking system motivates and assesses employee productivity. Tailored for SMEs, it provides a practical solution for workforce management.
Bank Ajib Indonesia
Currency Exchange Features on Mbanking App
Bank ajib app transforms traditional banking with intuitive features. Users can manage multiple currencies seamlessly, perform quick exchanges, transfer funds effortlessly, and locate nearby physical currency exchanges. This versatile app caters to diverse financial needs, empowering users like Budi for a fluid transition between digital and physical transactions
Chain Catalyst
Web3 & Cryptocurrency Newsletter
Chain Catalyst is your go-to newsletter for cutting-edge insights into the web3 and cryptocurrency realms. Packed with breaking news, expert analysis, and educational content, we cover everything from blockchain trends to decentralized finance innovations. Whether you're a seasoned crypto pro or a curious newcomer, stay in the loop with Chain Catalyst and explore the exciting frontiers of digital currencies and blockchain technology.
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View All design and Exploration